Non-diy_efi, dyno help

David A. Cooley n5xmt at
Sat Jun 5 15:03:11 GMT 1999

At 10:35 PM 6/4/99 +0000, you wrote:
>Many chassis dynos only or good for road load 0-50 HP
>I would get the model# and give Mustang a call.
>Also alot of used dyno shops in Thomas Register,
>Maybe they have something on web.
>Mustang makes a lot of dyno's including motorcycle.
>They are mounted on a large above ground frame.
>The new chassis dynos for emissions use a single 18" roll
>with AC motor. for about $0.25 million  
> IM240 uses 8.5" roll and AC motor. 
>Eddy cuurent can be used in place of AC.
>Eddy current is more stable than water brake,
>and is used for serious engine dyno work and certification.
>Get all of the controls.  

Does the IM 240 dyno use a single roller?
If so, how do they smog the AWD vehicles?  My explorers manual states that
for emissions checks, if it must be run on a dyno, a 4wd dyno is required.
           David Cooley N5XMT           Internet: N5XMT at
     Packet: N5XMT at KQ4LO.#INT.NC.USA.NA   T.A.P.R. Member #7068
   Sponges grow in the ocean... Wonder how deep it would be if they didn't?!

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