TECH-1 Codes

Aron Lopes Petrucci aron at
Wed Jun 9 14:20:01 GMT 1999


I'm trying to develop an ALDL-PC link to GM cars made in Brazil (they
are Opel like).
So I'm now seraching for the codes to "talk" with this cars. They are
TECH-1 compatibles, so, I'd like to know where can I find that codes
wich TECH-1 send to ECM and tell it: reset the idle control, turn on the
fan, give me the engine parameters, etc... and how to translate the
parameters got from car.

I built an interface (Serial - ALDL) from Dave's  page at

In that site Dave shows a many codes and some software, but I don't know
if it is TECH-1 like. I'm affraid about send the wrong codes to ECM and
make it crazy!

Can anybody help me?

Thanx in Advance.

Aron L. Petrucci
aron at

Londrina - Pr

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