Converting 351C to TBI..Try Howell

David Cooley n5xmt at
Thu Jun 10 13:49:05 GMT 1999

At 06:28 AM 6/10/99 -0700, you wrote:
>1970 is a bit borderline for exemption.
>I know California exempts vehicles 25years and older, which makes it 1974.
>But here in Nevada it's 1967 and earlier.
>So it depends on what State it's to be registered in.
>And one final note. If a vehicle was originally fitted with any sort of
>emmisions control device, it is a Federal offence to remove it. Carries a
>hideous fine.

Actually, at least in CA, if you do an engine swap, the vehicle must have 
either the emissions controls for the year of the car, or the year of the 
engine, whichever is newer.  You also are not allowed to put an engine in 
that wasn't offerred by the factory in that particular chassis.
Once the swap is complete you have to go to the smog referee station to get 
it certified and exempted.

David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT at
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