Converting 351C to TBI..Try Howell

Steve Gorkowski kb4mxo at
Fri Jun 11 01:00:51 GMT 1999

If you are going to spend $900 look at ecc tuner that is $350 bucks(plugs into
service plug in the box and can tune any value in a eccIV Mustang box and go to
a local Junk yard and pull eec stuff out a junker stang . I would keep it all
Ford and you should look at ecc users group and they can answer you questions.


Gary Derian wrote:

> Federal emission regulations only apply to manufacturers and their dealers.
> After you own the car, its up to the state you live in.  Here in Ohio, it
> was actually legal to open a shop and advertise "Smog equipment removed
> here" up to about 15 years ago.
> Gary Derian <gderian at>
> > At 06:28 AM 6/10/99 -0700, you wrote:
> > >1970 is a bit borderline for exemption.
> > >I know California exempts vehicles 25years and older, which makes it
> 1974.
> > >But here in Nevada it's 1967 and earlier.
> > >So it depends on what State it's to be registered in.
> > >And one final note. If a vehicle was originally fitted with any sort of
> > >emmisions control device, it is a Federal offence to remove it. Carries a
> > >hideous fine.
> >
> > Actually, at least in CA, if you do an engine swap, the vehicle must have
> > either the emissions controls for the year of the car, or the year of the
> > engine, whichever is newer.  You also are not allowed to put an engine in
> > that wasn't offerred by the factory in that particular chassis.
> > Once the swap is complete you have to go to the smog referee station to
> get
> > it certified and exempted.
> >
> > ===========================================================
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> > We are Borg... Prepare to be assimilated!
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