diy_efi Honda EGO Meter

Kevin Yachimec keviny at
Fri Jun 11 15:35:08 GMT 1999

----- Original Message -----
From: Gar Willis <garfield at>
To: <diy_efi at>
Sent: June 10, 1999 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: diy_efi Honda EGO Meter

> Well, you said you were gonna read the archives. Too bad you didn't read
> them all the way to the end. But, all-in-all, you didn't do too badly.

Sorry, I ran out of steam...
But, I'm thinking that I'll continue reading now that I know what to look

> The longNshort of the progression was that there was indeed a working
> prototype completed, AND even tested against an NTK and Horiba box, and
> was slated to be released freely to anyone who wanted to use it. It was
> and is called EGOR. But the author of the design (me) stated ONE
> proviso; that there be NO construction using the design, that was to be
> sold for profit.

Wow...  your story is more interesting reading than the device itself, maybe
the FOX network might buy the rights to your story.  I can't understand why,
after seeing the price that the asses at HTK and Horiba place on their
products that they would act in the same way.  If you want to give out your
design for free, then so be it.  Its your design and if your not in it for
the profit thats your call not someone else's.  It's too bad someone thought
they could be the next Bill Gates, maybe he should start his own XXX site.
I hear you can make a healthy profit selling crap like that.  I'm not going
to tell you what I think of this person because I don't know him and that
wouldn't right, I leave it at that.

So if I want one I'm going to have to buy it, I can live with that if the
price isn't out of my reach.  Can you point me in the right direction (A web
site or something).

Thanks for filling me in.

> End of story. That's where we are at present.
> Gar Willis
> AirSIG, Inc.
> Castle Airport
> 1210 Propeller Place
> Atwater, CA 95301
> garfield at

Kevin Yachimec
Cybertech Automation Inc.
Edmonton Alberta Canada
keviny at

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