Frederic Breitwieser/turbo discussion

Gary Derian gderian at
Wed Mar 17 12:49:23 GMT 1999

Yes, but each bank fired evenly.  The engine as a whole fired 90-150-90-150,
etc. but each bank in itself fired 240-240-240.  The bank thing did not
change when the engine became even fire, the phase between banks did.

Gary Derian <gderian at>

----- Original Message -----

>> Every V-6 I know fires bank to bank.  Each bank fires 3 times, 240 deg
>> apart, in a 720 deg cycle.
>What about the old Odd-fire GM V6 - 231? cu inch? The dist cap looked
>like a V8 cap with 2 towers pulled out. Idled about that way too.

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