Knocksensing with HIP 9010

Nils Björkman nisse at
Thu Mar 18 20:07:19 GMT 1999


Im going to design my own efi based on an PIC 16C74A microcontroller.

I am going to use the Harries HIP 9010 Knock sensor circuit for feedback
of air/fuel mixture.
I have downloaded all schamatics, datasheets and other I hav found, but
not find any information about suitable components (resistors and
capacitors) around the circuit.
How do I know that the circuit works, and how should I test my circuit
to be sertain that it doesn´t miss any knocks. If  I´m justy beleaving
that the sensor works and it doesn´t my wngine will probably be no more
pretty soon. What output should I look for, values for R1-R4, program
parameters etc. are still a mystery for me.

My engine is a Volvo B23 (2.3 liter) 4 cylinder, Liqid cooled, Cast iron
block and aluminium head, converted for use in boat, liquidcooled
exhaust, max rpm aprox 6000 rpm, unleaded 95 octan fuel.

Does anybody have information so pleas let me know, my project is on
hold till I knnow how to do with knocksensing.



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