atomization enhancement

James Ballenger jballeng at
Sun May 2 03:22:29 GMT 1999

CEIJR at wrote:

> James:
>         Although we haven't done extensive testing yet, we have benched some
> injectors at varying pressures and pulse widths. As we suspected before
> setting up the bench, the generally accepted formulas are not very accurate.
> An increase in pulse from 2 ms to 4 ms does not exactly double flow. Nor does
> flow vary directly with the square root of the pressure. The dynamics of
> opening and closing are affected differently by pressure for different
> injector types and sizes, and obviously flow is affected by the percentage of
> the pulse a particular injector takes to open and close. Math is good for
> ballpark estimates, and injector selection, but bench testing and then dyno
> testing are unfortunately necessary for final tuning.

    Just out of curiosity, how many points did you take the data at?  What I'm
getting at is, can a mathematical approximation be made for a particular type or
size injector and how much might it vary from another injector type?  Was the
flow = Sqrt(pressure) close?

James Ballenger

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