atomization enhancement

Greg Hermann bearbvd at
Thu May 6 16:47:40 GMT 1999

>Actually the Cummins system they are talking about is absolete
>nowadays.  Cummins does use bosch fuel system quite a bit and those
>presures ate in line for Cummins just the same.

The Cummins PT system is hardly obsolete. The NTC and KT engines both use
it, and are very much alive and well! And the 555 HP 855 (an NTC) is a
rather healthy engine! Cummins has used Bosch type systems on the B series
engines for cost SAVINGS, not for better performance.

The Cummins PT system is not as economically adaptable to computer control
as things like the new Navistar/International oil driven injectors, but it
is still about as good (and responsive) an injection system as money can
buy for diesels, particularly in the "Big Cam" implementations. (The larger
base circle cam in a "Big Cam" Cummins allows faster ramp rates on the
injector squirt cam, thus improving speed of injection and engine
efficiency, as previously esplained.) (As well as allowing for faster valve
acceleration rates for improved breathing.)

The injector lines on a Bosch type system do, indeed see pressures well
above 1000 bar. Not only is deflection of the tubes an important
consideration in their design, so is the compressibility of the diesel
fuel, however slight that is! In fact, the injector lines must be made of
equal length, just like a good set of headers, in order for an engine to
run properly. And--BTW--the ends of these Bosch type lines are_ NOT
_flared. The line ends are screw machine parts and are silver soldered onto
the ends of the tubing. Learned all this detail when I balked at paying $85
apiece for a set of four new injector lines for my Hanomag. After learning
the details of how to do Bosch injector lines RIGHT, I went ahead and
bought them!

The pressure does not build up to anywhere near the stated level in the
lines when there is any kind of a leak in the line tho--there is simply not
enough volume flow to build the pressure up to the design level without an
injector on the end of the line. If you had ever had to bleed the air out
of a set of Bosch injector lines to get the engine to run at all, you would

Regards, Greg

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