absurd pressures figures was: atomization enhancement

Fredrik Skog c95fsg at cs.umu.se
Thu May 6 21:04:57 GMT 1999

On Sat, 8 May 1999, Howard Wilkinson wrote:

> Fredrik:
> I don't doubt that Bosch has experimented with extreme pressures, but
> find it impossible to believe the they have actually released systems
> with the figures you quote.  As I said previously these pressures are
> deadly, not to mention problems of nozzle erosion when extreme
> pressures are used.
> These numbers are in my opinion nonsense...... regardless of what the
> Bosch book says.... there's an error someplace.          H.W.

I have a hard time believing that all the magazines "and" the Bosch
handbook all have the wrong numbers. And the Bosch handbook says
pressures between 350 and 1600 bar and I have a hard time believing you
can make a typo like that. It's also hard to believe that 3-4 different
independet automotive magazines would make the same typos.
Even a harvester machine use up to 200 bar in the hydraulics system in
steel braided rubber hoses so I don't see why these figures would be so
hard to achieve in steel lines.

Just my opinion....

	Student at the Department of Computing Science Umeå University

Fredrik Skog			    E-mail:   c95fsg at cs.umu.se
Taffelstråket 51	   	    WWW:      http://www.acc.umu.se/~skog
903 53 Umeå                         Phone:    +46-(0)90-136365
			            Mobile:   +46-(0)70-3041729

		Living and dying laughing and crying
		Once you have seen it you will never be the same
		Life in the fast lane is just how it seems
		Hard and it is heavy dirty and mean   

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