Espen's Reed Valves

Espen Hilde mwichstr at
Fri May 7 21:33:54 GMT 1999

>  > >>
> We tried this on some race bikes years ago. Reeds reduced the airflow and

> added length to the inlet tract that changed the tuned length. If it bore
> real use, the F1 guys would be all over it.
> Fred
The F1 guys dont cruise their cars do they?Torque at 2000rpm is not an isue
for F1 guys.
Reeds could be bypassed at high rpm.I dont have any proof that a good
engineered reed setup would work great I just belive it, when Im thinking 
about it a two walve engine with high mass valve train would bennefit the
most ,
because of the small dynamic range of system.If you are conserned of reed 
reduction of airflow, think what a regular valve is doing at high rpms.

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