Espen's Reed Valves

Howard Wilkinson owly at
Sat May 8 03:46:45 GMT 1999

    You wrote:

>What application is folks talking about?.
>F1 or motorcycles?.
>Big Problem with the reeds is do to inertia the basiclly stay open at
>than 2,000 rpm, in say a Yamahahah 350 2 stroke motorcycle.  They
will stop
>reversion at low speed but not at higher speeds

Let me point out that in a 4 cycle engine reversion is only a problem
at low RPM .... that RPM depends on camming and the inertia of the air
column in the intake (intake design).  A properly designed reed valve
that stayed open above a specific RPM might therefore be a real asset
in a 4 cycle engine.   H.W.

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