O2 voltz
Shannen Durphey
shannen at grolen.com
Sun May 16 00:09:15 GMT 1999
David A. Cooley wrote:
> At 04:02 PM 5/15/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >For the lack of anything else to do, I hooked the heated O2 up, and was
> >looking at the voltage drop across a sensor resistor, I been thinking of
> >using.
> > As the heater warmed up, the voltage drop across the resistor changed,
> >just meaning the heater was drawing less current.
> > I had hooked the scope probe across the O2, and cold there was no output,
> >to be expected, but as it warmed up the output swung toward, .2v. Just in
> >atmospheric conditions. Ok, so then it should go way high in pure O2 right,
> >nope went a little over .3, and stopped there.
> > Did I need to load the sensor?.
> > The heater doesn't go to a high enough temperature for the O2 to fully
> >swing high?.
> > Does the engine side need to see a slight amount of pressure to reference
> >to?.
> Bad thing about O2 sensors is they aren't truly O2 sensors... they are HC
> sensors.
> In pure O2, the sensor should keep a low voltage. In an environment rich
> with HC (IE propane, unburnt fuel etc) they should go .9-1 Volt.
Ok, please splain this statement. O2 sensor voltage drops when spark
plugs fail to fire, and there's more HC present than when everything's
sparking normally. Why the contradiction?
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