EGOR, ION, Trionic

Gar Willis garfield at
Wed May 19 22:36:40 GMT 1999

On Wed, 19 May 1999 11:34:47 -0400 (EDT), "Clive Apps   Techno-Logicals
416 510 0020" <clive at> wrote:

>is anyone on this list in the vicintity of Charles City  VA
>I have a source for a bunch of defective Trionic (SAAB) modules
>you would have to go pick them up

HEY! I have a ton of these in BOTH early and late variety. $20ea +
shipping and their yours, to anyone who wants one. Course they're
unpotted. B)

Jim Crance got me my first one; and so the first $20 I get will go to
his brewski fund. B)  The rest I bought in bulk from a Saab dealer
looking to build up his own brewskiNpizza fund. [See, alot of the
dealers don't get zip for credit when returning them to Saab, after
replacement under warrantee, so if they can sell them for a few bucks,
they will usually].

And because they're one ENTIRE FRU (field replaceable unit) due to their
being completely encapsulated, if ANYTHING goes bad in the Trionic
system, the whole thang's gotta be pulled.

Anyhoo, after I finished my own snooping investigation, I figured I'd
use the parts outta the remainder, cuz the self-healing AC capacitors
they use in the HV section ARE kinda pricey new. But after counting my
hours of labor to un-entomb them from the potting, I decided instead I'd
MUCH rather buy new ones! But if you wanna go a-sleuthing, and try yer
had at the chemotherapy, by all means go for it! After all, hard labor
builds character. Plus you just might find some interesting surprises
under there. B)


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