NTK UEGO response

Christopher J Beasley chris_beasley at mindspring.com
Tue May 25 03:53:05 GMT 1999

Gar Willis wrote:snip

> You will see that the assembled meter will ALSO be aggressively priced to kick
> competitive butt with the NTK-interface, Horiba, E.C.M., etc.'s lowest end
> devices as well, AND provide better functionality for the far fewer bucks. The
> idea is that NOW, there is enough of a market to go for some volume, instead of
> treating them as high-end devices only racing teams are interested in/can
> afford. The times, they are a-changin.

So can I assume that the Honda sensor being referred to is a true wide band O2
And that the "modules" are the associated electronice?
And that a "meter" would be an associated display?

Will there be a group buy in the offing?

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