DIY_EFI Digest V4 #562

Tom Parker parkert at
Wed Oct 6 08:38:34 GMT 1999

DIY_EFI Digest <DIY_EFI-Digest-Owner at> wrote:

>DIY_EFI Digest        Tuesday, October 5 1999        Volume 04 : Number 562

>Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 13:33:12 +0100
>From: Ade + Lamb Chop <alaw at>
>Subject: How completcated does Efi HAVE to be?

>I am into minis, something a lot of americans probably won't have even
>heard of never mind seen! Up until recently minis had single point throttle
>body injection. You can pick up the inlet manifold, throttle body with the
>following sensors, The system is a MAP system. I was just wondering how few
>sensors I need to make it work. Make my own ECU and keep it simple.
>Calibration would be done on a dyno using a lap top. No need for a Heated
>o2 sensor, don't need it to learn really.

I vaguely think that you only need a throttle position sensor and a map sensor
to do a reasonable job of EFI. However, you WILL need the crankshaft position
sensor, which means you need the flywheel, transfer case and the actual

As you know, these are a bummer to remove from the mini, especially in a scrap
yard. Still, it is highly doable.

Tom Parker - parkert at

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