Vapour Pressure
Stuart Baly
S.Baly at
Tue Sep 14 01:56:14 GMT 1999
>Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 07:40:49 -0600
>From: bearbvd at (Greg Hermann)
>Subject: Re: DIY_EFI Digest V4 #518
>>Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 15:24:29 -0700
>>From: "John Dammeyer" <johnd at>
>>Subject: Vapour Pressure
>>Hi All,
>>Does anyone have the formulae for Vapor Pressure? If I assume RH is 75%
>>and can
>>measure the Air Temperature inside the intake manifold what is the
>>for vp?
>You need some combination of psychrometric charts or GOOD steam tables. A
>good steam table will include a section giving the equations upon which
>values stated in the tables are based.
>If RH is 75%, the VP will be 75% of the VP (partial pressure of H2O vapor)
>at saturated conditions for that temp.
To calculate the saturation vapor pressure, you need the Goff-Gratch
formula, which is:
log10(Ew)= -7.90298(Ts/T-1) + 5.02808*log10(Ts/T) -
1.3816*10^-7*(10^(11.334(1-T/Ts))-1) + 8.1328*(10^(-3.49149(Ts/T-1))-1) +
Ew = saturation vapor pressure in millibar
T = abs. temp. (in K)
Ts = steam point temp (=373.16K)
Ews = saturation pressure of water @ steam-point temp. (=1013.246
There's a handwritten correction to this formula in my reference book -
8.1328 has been marked as 'should be 0.0081328'. To check this, you should
get the following results
T (C) pressure (mb)
10 12.272
15 17.044
20 23.373
This was from the Smithsonian Meteorological Tables, 1951 edition.
Relative humidity = Vapor Pressure/Saturation Vapor Pressure
I take it 75% RH refers to ambient conditions - the RH will change
drastically as the air passes through the throttle body.
There's a whole mess of if, buts and empirical corrections in this area of
meteorology. You'll probably need to get a hold of a good reference and
check it out.
Stuart Baly.
Bureau of Meteorology, Australia.
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