DIY_EFI Digest V5 #219

Garfield Willis garwillis at
Tue Jun 20 16:12:20 GMT 2000

On Fri, 16 Jun 2000 10:09:20 -0400, "Flanagan, Stephen CECOM RDEC STCD"
<Stephen.Flanagan at> wrote:

>Does EGOR do its own free air Cal for each sensor.  I assume that any time a
>sensor is replaced, it must be calibrated to the device?

Yes, definitely. It's NOT done automagically tho. The user sets the
meter or module into "Cal Mode", and trims a pot with a screwdriver to
null out the sensor.

The procedure only takes a few seconds to perform, the range of
variation from sensor to sensor isn't all that huge to begin with, and
once you've calibrated, I haven't found it necessary to re-cal very
often, and that's over many hours and runs upNdown the freeway. It's all
pretty nice & stable.

I don't think using the CAL R is a good idea, altho for an ECU
implementation, it's probly all the car mfgs could do. Reason being, you
can't compensate for sensor aging using just the CAL R. And that's
liable to be an issue especially if you're running racing fuel.

And Oh BTW, that CAL R in the connector housing is NOT used to calibrate
the heater current; another bit of misinfo of late. :)


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