aftermarket ecu etc...

Espen Hilde mwichstr at
Wed Mar 29 23:45:20 GMT 2000

It could do what they say it can if I could get my hands on a EGOR.
Its nice to look at the stored datas and point out a lean spot 
at cruise thats with a swich EGO.The grafic rpm output gives some sort of 
accleration indication ,maybe with some sort of calculation could tell the
hp.I canged the chip and softwear from Super and its much better.
Infact the engine didnt work with Super,it started occilating when the
exhaust backpressure increased over 1,6bar.I tought it was the exhaust 
turbines that was to smal and choked the engine and put the compressors
over their pump limmit,but when I canged to PAF Blend 
without using the mix funktion of TPS and MAP at high rpm the engine ran
I think it sucks that you dont have millisec bars to change and the itot 
and gamma things is confusing.If you cange the fuel pressure or injectors 
ïts impossible to re scale it you have to map it once more.
You have to shut down your glowing turbo engine to change one parameter in
the map,time consuming and costs money at the dyno.
You can change the small numbers in the volumetric tables ,it wouldn t
help ,it dont change anything.The pulsewith resolution is crap.If I have 
1%co next step in fuel delivery is 3%Co........I got WERY dissapointed
when I discovered this after some fuel tanks at Idle.
Allmost impossible to use staged injectors without a week in the dyno.
I think I hate it..................
It could be very good ,it has easy mounting ,compact ,rugged,ok,quality.
perfect with the coils on top of the ecu .
fun toy.....but thats all.
I think its good on a standard 4000rpm max V8 .but then GM is better also.
Sorry I have to stop this ....I could keep up for hours,maybe my
exspectations where to high . 
> Yep that's true....  Guess I should've been a little more clear.
> I run SuperBlend...  How do you like PAFblend?  It wasn't available when
I got
> my system.
> Gabe
> Espen Hilde wrote:
> > Hi!
> > You cant change a particular point on the map just the "idle jet"
> > and the "main jet" to scale the flow and a volumetric compensation all
> > over, you can change the timing but
> > it will increase or decrease all over.
> > You have to stop the engine to download the new calibration.
> > Thats what the Paf blend software I have are capable of.
> > Espen
> > Electromotive unit does everything
> > ? you're talking about.  It won't data log and then dump to PC after a
> > race, but you
> > ? can datalog during the race and look at it later.  I can change the
> > timing and the
> > ? fuel curve realtime, monitor sensors realtime, save as many
> > as my hdd
> > ? can hold, etc...  In the datalogging portion of the software, it
> > the values
> > ? in less than .1 sec intervals.
> > ?
> > ? Gabe
> > ?
> > ? ? Toby Atwater wrote:
> > ? ?
> > ? ? ? Sorry I know this isn't "Do It Yourself", more like "Pay it
> > and
> > ? ? ? break the bank"
> > ? ? ?
> > ? ? ? Does anybody know of a aftermarket ECU that has some kind of PC
> > output? All
> > ? ? ? the ones I have seen either have a separate unit with a small b/w
> > ? ? ? screen, or else they have some kind of data logging capabilities
> > will
> > ? ? ? off load to a PC "after the race". What I am looking for is
> > with a
> > ? ? ? PC output that will display what is being inputting into the ECU
> > through
> > ? ? ? it's sensors in real time, or close to real time. I basically
want to
> > ? ? ? monitor what is happening inorder to 1) learn more about how it's
> > doing its
> > ? ? ? thing, 2) troubleshoot sensors and other things if things aren't
> > working 3)
> > ? ? ? the coolness factor.
> > ?
> > ?
> >

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