Turbo problems
justin ivan
vlkslvr at hotmail.com
Tue May 16 13:01:50 GMT 2000
I have a question regarding a BOSCH Digifant car that I have turbo'd. Upon
startup the car idles fine. Regular O2 based AFR meter rapidly cycles from
rich to lean and everything seems normal. After the car warmed up I took it
out and tried some hard acceleration runs. Car behaved pretty well, that is
didn't see any rich or lean spots that were worrisome. After 5-6 pulls I let
the car idle down to cool the turbo. At this point the car started running
real rich, (Blowing black smoke) and rough. I pulled the plugs and they were
completely black. I am running Bosch Platinum WD-6 plugs.
My question is: Do you think this is a problem with the EFI set-up or is
something wrong with the car (ie sensor bad, bad coil or plugs?)
I understand that once the plugs start to foul then the condition is just
going to get worse and worse in a never ending loop.
Is this something that I could remedy by changing the heat range on the
Thanks in advance for any info.
>From: DIY_EFI-Digest-Owner at diy-efi.org (DIY_EFI Digest)
>Reply-To: diy_efi at diy-efi.org
>To: DIY_EFI-Digest at lists.diy-efi.org
>Subject: DIY_EFI Digest V5 #185
>Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 05:00:09 -0700
>DIY_EFI Digest Tuesday, May 16 2000 Volume 05 : Number
>In this issue:
> Stutter off of idle
> Re: TPS Style Connectors: Where to find?
> SV: Flying Cow?
> Re: SV: Flying Cow?
> SV: SV: Flying Cow?
> RE: Bosch LE/2 Jetronic (info and problems)
> Idle speed adjustment 89 F or Y body
> Re: Idle speed adjustment 89 F or Y body
> [OT] 60KVA UPS for sale in Australia
> RE: Bosch LE/2 Jetronic (info and problems)
>See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the
>DIY_EFI or DIY_EFI-Digest mailing lists.
>Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 13:35:24 +0100
>From: Ade + Lamb Chop <alaw at mrc.soton.ac.uk>
>Subject: Stutter off of idle
>Hi All,
>It is the MPi Mini again... I have exhausted all other ways to working out
>what is wrong with this thing. I am about to go and buy a TPS it is 45ukp.
>What else could cause a stutter when coming quickly off idle. It doesn't do
>it when coming off 0 throttle at >idle which is a bit worrying. What else
>could it be? I am thinking maybe Fuel pressure reg, as the reg ties the
>fuel pressure to X amount greater than manifold (I think) if the Reg is a
>bit sticky would there be anyother symptoms?
>To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
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>Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 13:08:37 -0500
>From: steve ravet <sravet at arm.com>
>Subject: Re: TPS Style Connectors: Where to find?
>You've got the address wrong, diy_efi at diy-efi.org.
>Did you see my replies about White Racing, NAPA, and Waytek Wire?
>- --steve
>Tom Meagher wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> > Please forgive the somewhat off-topic post, but I can't get the
> > DIY_EFI at lists.diy-efi.org listserver to respond properly.
> >
> > I have a Polaris Victory motorcycle with a TPS that is a GM style AC
> > unit, (so I've been told). It has a very small 3 pin "Weatherpack"
> > connector on it (I'm led to believe). The three pins are in a
> > arrangement, and there is a little plastic tab on the side that must be
> > lifted to separate it. The mating connector receptacle is molded into
> > TPS housing itself. Here are some pictures of the connector plug:
> >
> > http://users.netropolis.net/tmeagher/Vic/TPS_connector.htm
> >
> > I want to insert a little box in series with this to manually tweak the
> > setting, so I'm looking for both polarities of this connector, but I
> > had much luck at finding a source for them yet. Does anyone know where
> > can get some of these connector pairs?
> >
> > Any help would be mucho appreciated!
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Tom Meagher
> > Houston TX
> >
> > p.s. I'm also trying to locate a copy of the "EasiMap" software for the
> > Systems model 60 ECM fitted to the bike ( www.mbesystems.com ), MBE has
> > agreement with Polaris not to sell the software to end users without
> > explicit permission (I hate BS like that). Any suggestions on this?
> >
> >
> > To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
> > in the body of a message (not the subject) to
>majordomo at lists.diy-efi.org
>- --
>Steve Ravet
>steve.ravet at arm.com
>To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
>in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at lists.diy-efi.org
>Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 11:38:28 +0200
>From: espen hilde <mwichstr at online.no>
>Subject: SV: Flying Cow?
>Hi Gar
>More yehas?
>330 Gar not bad.....
>Its a Norwegian site .......
>- ----------
>Gawd help me, I've finally found a way to separate out the real DIY
>afficianados from the mere putz's. Go to this site, and if you cain't
>score over 300, don't bother messing with FI. Hee hee heeeeee.
>To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
>in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at lists.diy-efi.org
>To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
>in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at lists.diy-efi.org
>Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 17:34:03 -0700
>From: garwillis at msn.com (Garfield Willis)
>Subject: Re: SV: Flying Cow?
>On Sun, 14 May 2000 11:38:28 +0200, espen hilde <mwichstr at online.no>
> >Hi Gar
> >More yehas?
> >330 Gar not bad.....
> >Espen
> >Its a Norwegian site .......
>Yeah, long winter days in the Great White North with nuthin tado. :)
>BTW, 330 idn't much above putz level; I recently hurled a 425. Hee. It's
>all in the wrist. So many cows, so little time. :)
>To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
>in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at lists.diy-efi.org
>Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 00:52:20 +0200
>From: espen hilde <mwichstr at online.no>
>Subject: SV: SV: Flying Cow?
>What about a timer controlling the mouse button ???
>About 2.5 sec for 50 points ???, we could be DIY all ower the first places?
>Im realy impressed from th picks of egor.......doesnt look very DIY
> To me!!!
>Looking forward to it, can the egor be used on two strokes? 3%oil
>Thanks Espen.
>The winter are finaly over ,18 deg c in the Oslo fjord.
> >Hi Gar
> >More yehas?
> >330 Gar not bad.....
> >Espen
> >Its a Norwegian site .......
>Yeah, long winter days in the Great White North with nuthin tado. :)
>BTW, 330 idn't much above putz level; I recently hurled a 425. Hee. It's
>all in the wrist. So many cows, so little time. :)
>To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
>in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at lists.diy-efi.org
>To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
>in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at lists.diy-efi.org
>Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 10:38:58 +1000
>From: Christian Hack <christianh at edmi.com.au>
>Subject: RE: Bosch LE/2 Jetronic (info and problems)
> >
> > Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 00:19:27 +1200
> > From: Steve Spiers <s.spiers at xtra.co.nz>
> > Subject: Bosch LE/2 Jetronic (info and problems)
> >
> > I have one major problem with the system at the moment. I get extreamly
>bad fuel
> > economy, like 10MPG! I need to solve this first, anyone know what could
>be causing
> > this? The engine runs fine, the top end seems a little soft (but so do
>most std
> > turbocharged cars).
> >
> > How dependent is the ECU on coolant temperature? I suspect that the
>thermostate is
> > either stuck open or has been removed. The temp gague will only just get
>off the
> > absolute bottom of the scale. Could this be the sole problem causing the
>ecu to
> > run in "cold start" mode?
> >
> > Thanks for any help in advance
> >
> > Steve
> >
>Well I can't say for sure about that ECU, but pretty much any ECU worth
>it's salt
>will have a coolant temperature sensor to allow for cold starting etc. This
>how it emulates a choke on a carbed engine. Rather than choke the air, it
>more fuel for a rich mixture.
>If your engine is running too cold, it is probably running permanently in
>cold start
>mode which would probably explain your high fuel consumption. Again I have
>no idea on what your consumption should be but remember turbo cars can
>be quite thirsty when driven "enthusiastically" (I know this first hand). I
>even know what 10MPG works out to in l/100km. I'm a metric person.
>One thing to consider though - are you sure the guage isn't buggered? If
>have access to a decent temperature sensor (multimeter with a K type thermo
>couple), you could try measuring the engine temperature to make sure it is
>running the right temps. From what I hear 80-100C is about the right range.
>Some guys remove the thermostat or replace it with a lower temp one on
>cars to help prevent detonation. Perhaps the previous owner went to the
>and remove the thermostat completely.
>Christian Hack
>christianh at edmi.com.au
>EDMI Pty Ltd
>Ph : (07) 3888 3066
>FAX : (07) 3888 3583
>To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
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>Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 21:10:55 -0500
>From: "Dan Plaskett" <dynastydan at worldnet.att.net>
>Subject: Idle speed adjustment 89 F or Y body
>Anybody know of a way to set the idle speed a little higher in an 89
>Corvette? I have the TunerCat software and can't seem to find a parameter
>for that. Did they just miss it or can it not be adjusted?
>Dan Plaskett
>To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
>in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at lists.diy-efi.org
>Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 19:38:31 -0700
>From: romans at starstream.net (Romans, Mark)
>Subject: Re: Idle speed adjustment 89 F or Y body
>Hi Dan: Boy what a can of worms. I found the idle speed stuff, (It's rpm
>vs coolant temp) and raised it. Problem is if you raise it much it effects
>a bunch of other stuff. Hwy spark, DFCO, ect. If you just want to raise
>your idle speed from say 700 to 750 it's not a problem. 800 get's to be a
>BTW GMe pro has idle correction in it!
>- ----- Original Message -----
>From: "Dan Plaskett" <dynastydan at worldnet.att.net>
>To: <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>
>Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 7:10 PM
>Subject: Idle speed adjustment 89 F or Y body
> > Anybody know of a way to set the idle speed a little higher in an 89
> > Corvette? I have the TunerCat software and can't seem to find a
> > for that. Did they just miss it or can it not be adjusted?
> >
> > Dan Plaskett
> >
> >
>- --
> > To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
> > in the body of a message (not the subject) to
>majordomo at lists.diy-efi.org
> >
> >
>To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
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>Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 13:20:12
>From: Mike from West Australia <erazmus at wantree.com.au>
>Subject: [OT] 60KVA UPS for sale in Australia
>Sorry for the off topic post guys, but I am almost desperate...
>Had a deal for a pacific island satellite station, fell through :(
>I am now stuck with a 60KVA UPS and battery cabinet for A$12K.
>Replacement without cabinet is about $26K so my asking price
>is a bargain...
>Thanks guys,
>PS: Maybe I could make it run as a dyno to mains power converter ;)
>Mike Massen
>Pictures of site installation at Mendulong near Sipitang, Sabah (Malaysia)
>Remote Area Power System http://www.wantree.com.au/~erazmus
>Vehicle modifications on GMH Turbo, twin tyres, possible 175Kw at wheels
>Preliminary pictures at
>Editorial on twin-tyre opinion and good reference about tyres:-
>Ancient Sufi saying:
> "Should your God save you from adversity, choose another God"
>To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
>in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at lists.diy-efi.org
>Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 10:04:51 +0100
>From: "Rich M" <rsrich at cwcom.net>
>Subject: RE: Bosch LE/2 Jetronic (info and problems)
>If it's any help, I came across some resistance values versus temperature
>for the Croma coolant sensor:
> Croma 2000 ie Turbo 1986-90
>Temp Resistance
>20°C 2-4k
>50°C 600-900 ohms
>80°C 200-400 ohms
>90°C 100-300 ohms
>These do show a bit of spread, but you may be able to make some
>at running temperature to see if there's something obviously amiss. If you
>measure significantly higher than 300-400 ohms at running temperature, I
>think this could be a chunk of your problem.
>If it's of any help the same chart for the Vauxhall/Opel 1.8L (also LE2)
>Vauxhall/Opel 1800i 1982-86
>Temp Resistance
>0°C 4.8-6.6k
>20°C 2.2-2.8k
>40°C 1.0-1.4k
>80°C 270-230 ohms
>100°C 200 ohms approx
>I would expect the two to be pretty close - the two are specified at
>slightly different temperatures, between the two you may be able to make
>some sense?
>FWIW this data is from a Haynes vehicle data manual.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-diy_efi at diy-efi.org [mailto:owner-diy_efi at diy-efi.org]On
> > Behalf Of Steve Spiers
> > Sent: 14 May 2000 13:19
> > To: diy_efi at diy-efi.org
> > Subject: Bosch LE/2 Jetronic (info and problems)
> >
> >
> > Hi
> > =
> > =
> > How dependent is the ECU on coolant temperature? I suspect that
> > the thermostate is
> > either stuck open or has been removed. The temp gague will only
> > just get off the
> > absolute bottom of the scale. Could this be the sole problem
> > causing the ecu to
> > run in "cold start" mode?
> >
> > Thanks for any help in advance
> >
> > Steve
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>End of DIY_EFI Digest V5 #185
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