DIY_EFI Digest V5 #382

kb4mxo kb4mxo at
Sun Nov 12 16:37:33 GMT 2000

DIY_EFI Digest wrote:

> DIY_EFI Digest        Sunday, November 12 2000        Volume 05 : Number 382
> In this issue:
>         Re: SDS vs GM
>         Re: WB O2 Rental.
>         Re: SDS vs GM
>         Re: WB O2 Rental.
>         Re: WB O2 Rental.
>         Re: Ignition only  (bwa-ha-haaaaa...!)
>         scope
>         Re: WB O2 Rental.
>         Do I need an Air Flow Meter?
>         Re: scope
>         Re: scope
>         Re: Ignition only  (bwa-ha-haaaaa...!)
>         Re: Do I need an Air Flow Meter?
>         Re: scope
>         EGOR
> See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the
> DIY_EFI or DIY_EFI-Digest mailing lists.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 08:05:43 -0500
> From: "Bruce Plecan" <nacelp at>
> Subject: Re: SDS vs GM
> > >   BTW, for a few years the Turbo Sunbird used the 749 and it was a
> > sub 2L 4
> > > cylinder using P+H injectors
> > > Bruce
> > My only problem is I've never even seen a Turbo Sunbird, much less
> > found one in a junkyard.
> Just need to know how to wire it up.
> > From limited viewing of the archive, I just
> > can buy the proper 749 ECM and then buy the Memcal, correct?
> Yep.
> >I am
> > looking at $150-200, already?
> Depends on where you shop, and your contacts.
> With some effort probably closer to a $100 for a new memcal, and used ecm.
> Bruce
>    While doing a mileage check stopped and bought the Recycling center guy a
> Pepsi
>    Funny where you can find friends.
> >
> > Jay
> >
> > ----- End of forwarded message from owner-diy_efi at -----
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - --
> > To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
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> >
> >
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 08:15:55 -0500
> From: "Bruce Plecan" <nacelp at>
> Subject: Re: WB O2 Rental.
> "Entrance Exam"?.
> All I asked was for folks to do some reading,
> I didn't think of that as an exam..
> Get enough folks to agree with you, and you sure will have folks wanting to
> do things like this all the time.  ie put money and time into something to
> give it away.
> What the other guy does, is on his conscious
> Bruce
> > Per Garwillis' earlier emails, EGOR is not only not available, it will
> never
> > be available in its current form.  Assuming you can pass the entrance
> exam,
> > you may be able to get the blueprints for the other diy-egor floating
> around
> > in the ether on gmecm.
> >
> >
> >
> > In a message dated 11/10/2000 8:03:03 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > nikog at writes:
> >
> > << Available?
> >
> >  Ha, I wish!!!
> >
> >  I've been on the waiting list for it for several months (and I'm sure
> others
> >  longer than me). If it was available, I'd have one already.
> >
> >  Nick
> >
> >  > John,
> >  > What's wrong with EGOR?  From what I have heard, it is VERY accurate,
> >  > inexpensive, and available.
> >  >
> >  > sounds like you are getting ready to flame those involved with EGOR...
> >  >
> >  > > Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 01:33:05 -0800
> >  > > From: "John Dammeyer" <johnd at>
> >  > > Subject: WB O2 Rental.
> >  > >
> >  > > Hi all,
> >  > >
> >  > > I have a need to rent an accurate WB O2 sensor and instrument that I
> can
> >  > > screw into the exhaust pipe beside my narrowband HEGO.   And no I'm
> not
> >  > > interested in EGOR but something from a real company with a
> reputation
> >  to
> >  > > uphold.
> >  > >
> >  > > Suggestions? >>
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - --
> > To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
> quotes)
> > in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at
> >
> >
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 08:37:04 EST
> From: ECMnut at
> Subject: Re: SDS vs GM
> jhartwig at writes:
> <
>  My only problem is I've never even seen a Turbo Sunbird, much less
>  found one in a junkyard.  From limited viewing of the archive, I just
>  can buy the proper 749 ECM and then buy the Memcal, correct?  I am
>  looking at $150-200, already?
>   >>
> Hi Jay,
> alot of them were convertibles.  I'm replacing a turbo in one in the
> coming week.   I don't know what the production nuber were.
> If someone is telling you they want $150 for a 749, run!
> The price has gone up on them in the past couple years,
> but I just paid $65 for on (that was high IMO)..
> If you want the ECM plugs, get them from a 88 Quad-4 car,
> then re-pin what you need.
> Mike V
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 09:00:36 EST
> From: Moofaloof at
> Subject: Re: WB O2 Rental.
> In a message dated 11/11/2000 8:19:08 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> nacelp at writes:
> << Entrance Exam"?.
>  All I asked was for folks to do some reading,
>  I didn't think of that as an exam..
>  Get enough folks to agree with you, and you sure will have folks wanting to
>  do things like this all the time.  ie put money and time into something to
>  give it away. >>
> Not sure how to interpret your reponse Bruce.  I thought the thing about diy
> was to share technical knowledge.  I have read the archives on all the
> wideband O2 subject.  Thats where my comment comes from.  After doing so, I
> am still at square one with respect to building or obtaining my own meter.
> >From your recent posts, I gather that you have a meter that is early in its
> development stage.  I am also inferring that info regarding it may be
> availlable but you are controlling distribution to protect against commercial
> use of it for profit (by other than its developer).  Thats where the comment
> about the "entrance exam" comes from.  Its certainly anyone's perogative to
> share or not share information as they see fit but this issue seems to have
> more than a bit of cloak and dagger about it.  I don't get it, thats all.
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the quotes)
> in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 10:08:27 -0500
> From: "Bruce Plecan" <nacelp at>
> Subject: Re: WB O2 Rental.
> > << Entrance Exam"?.
> >  All I asked was for folks to do some reading,
> >  I didn't think of that as an exam..
> >  Get enough folks to agree with you, and you sure will have folks wanting
> to
> >  do things like this all the time.  ie put money and time into something
> to
> >  give it away. >>
> >
> > Not sure how to interpret your reponse Bruce.
> Anything I type can be just taken at face value.
> > I thought the thing about diy
> > was to share technical knowledge.
> So where isn't this being followed?  At least as far as I go with things?.
> The stuff is freely available.
> You have to read to get technical knowledge, and read to get to DIY EGOR.
> >I have read the archives on all the
> > wideband O2 subject.  Thats where my comment comes from.  After doing so,
> I
> > am still at square one with respect to building or obtaining my own meter.
> Hopefully though you have some correct concepts about WBs, and their uses,
> shortcomings etc., now.
> > From your recent posts, I gather that you have a meter that is early in
> its
> > development stage.  I am also inferring that info regarding it may be
> > availlable but you are controlling distribution to protect against
> commercial
> > use of it for profit (by other than its developer).  Thats where the
> comment
> > about the "entrance exam" comes from.
> For the moment, the only *effort* is to track it down.
> and that is just asking folks basically to read the owners manual?.   That's
> all I'm doing.  Guys are taking cracks at me, for just forcing them to learn
> a little.
> >  Its certainly anyone's perogative to
> > share or not share information as they see fit but this issue seems to
> have
> > more than a bit of cloak and dagger about it.  I don't get it, thats all.
> It's out there and free.
> For the commercial guys, time is money, so they don't want to spend the time
> to do anything.  So to that end for the moment, that is the strategy, I've
> taken.
> There has been another post, about this, anyway more to come
> Bruce
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 09:10:00 -0500
> From: dave.williams at (Dave Williams)
> Subject: Re: Ignition only  (bwa-ha-haaaaa...!)
> - -> I'm thinking the SAE probably has reams of stuff about spark systems
> - -> - with pictures? Anyone see any nice references they'd like to share?
>; the dollars of the American taxpayer doing
> something useful, for a change.  Also lots of stuff on combustion, fuel
> injection, and so forth.  And for those with a letch for the exotic,
> lots of declassified Cold War goodies; anyone up for boron-magnesium
> slurry fuels?  How about half a dozen papers on how to make your own
> mass air meters, or measurement of combustion pressure?  How about
> algorithms for a MAP system with AFR trimmed by exhaust back pressure?
> Dozens - literally - of papers on supercharger design and construction.
> Fuel chemistry.  And, yes, ignition...
>  That site was like a peek at the Promised Land; the top of my modem
> took on a definite concave curve, and I filled half of a 10Gb drive.  I
> wanted to make sure I got everything useful before some bureaucrat
> decided it was a waste of money and pulled the plug.
>  Oh, yeah, they wasted a bunch of space on airplanes and junk like that,
> too...  but they have 56 papers on the design of airships!  And papers
> by people like Werner Heisenberg and Charles P. Steinmetz, and some of
> the original papers that people like Rogowski, Schwitzer, and Taylor
> built upon to eventually become the Usual Sources for engine design,
> and...
>  A sample of the warez at (sorry for the HTML...)
> <A HREF="#naca-report-179">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-report-179.pdf">
> The effect of electrode temperature on the sparking voltage of short
> spark gaps
> <br></A></B>Silsbee, F B,
> NACA Report 179, 1924, pp. 10.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-report-202">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-report-202.pdf">
> The sparking voltage of spark plugs
> <br></A></B>Silsbee, F B,
> NACA Report 202, 1925, pp. 16.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-report-241">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-report-241.pdf">
> Electrical characteristics of spark generators for automotive ignition
> <br></A></B>Brode, R B; Randolph, D W; Silsbee, F B,
> NACA Report 241, 1927, pp. 20.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-report-374">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-report-374.pdf">
> The automotive ignition coil
> <BR></A></B>Darnell, T H,
> NACA Report 374, 1932, pp. 20.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-report-1287">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-report-1287.pdf">
> Spark ignition of flowing gases
> </A></B>Clyde C. Swett, Jr.,
> NACA Report 1287, Jan 1956, pp. 18.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-report-359">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-report-359.pdf">
> An investigation of the effectiveness of ignition sparks
> <BR></A></B>Peters, Melville F; Summerville, Wayne L,
> NACA Report 359, 1931, pp. 13.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-tn-651">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-tn-651.pdf">
> Effect of spark-timing regularity on the knock of engine performance
> <BR></A></B>Biermann, Arnold E,
> NACA TN-651, May 1938, pp. 8.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-report-57">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-report-57.pdf">The subsidiary gap as a means for improving
> ignition
> <br></A></B>Gorton, W S,
> NACA Report 57, 1920, pp. 14.<P>
> <A HREF="#naca-report-123">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-report-123.pdf">
> Simplified theory of the magneto
> <br></A></B>Silsbee, F B,
> NACA Report 123, 1923, pp. 17.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-tn-32">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-tn-32.pdf">
> Causes of cracking of ignition cable
> <br></A></B>F. B. Silsbee,
> NACA TN 32, Feb 1921, pp. 17.<P>
> <A HREF="#naca-report-58">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-report-58.pdf">
> Characteristics of high-tension magnetos
> <br></A></B>Silsbee, F B,
> NACA Report 58, 1920, pp. 22.<P>
> <A HREF="#naca-tn-603">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-tn-603.pdf">
> A preliminary study of flame propagation in a spark-ignition engine
> <BR></A></B>Rothrock, A M; Spencer, R C,
> NACA TN-603, June 1937, pp. 31.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-report-187">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-report-187.pdf">
> Flame speed and spark intensity
> <br></A></B>Randolph, D W; Silsbee, F B,
> NACA Report 187, 1925, pp. 14.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-report-486">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-report-486.pdf">
> Infrared radiation from explosions in a spark-ignition engine
> <BR></A></B>Marvin, Charles F, Jr; Caldwell, Frank R; Steele, Sydney,
> NACA Report 486, 1935, pp. 12.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-report-727">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-report-727.pdf">
> A study by high-speed photography of combustion and knock in a
> spark-ignition engine
> <BR></A></B>Miller, Cearcy D,
> NACA Report 727, 1942, pp. 22.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-report-704">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-report-704.pdf">
> A high-speed motion-picture study of normal combustion, knock and
> preignition in a spark-ignition engines
> <BR></A></B>Rothrock, A M; Spencer, R C; Miller, Cearcy D,
> NACA Report 704, 1941, pp. 16.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-tn-3887">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-tn-3887.pdf">
> Effect of concentration on ignition delays for various fuel-oxygen-
> nitrogen mixtures at elevated temperatures
> </A></B>Anagnostou, E; Brokaw, R S; Butler, J N,
> NACA TN-3887, December 1956, pp. 36.</A><P>
> <A HREF="#naca-wr-e-267">Abstract </A>&nbsp;<B>
> <A HREF="naca-wr-e-267.pdf">
> The effect of high-resistance ignition cable on the erosion of
> spark-plug electrodes
> <BR></A></B>Rodgers, Franklin A,
> NACA WR-E-267 NACA-MR-E5I21, September 1945, pp. 7.</A><P>
> ==dave.williams at
> == sometimes the light's all shinin' on me / other times I can barely ==
> == see / lately it occurs to me / what a long, strange trip it's been ==
> =================================
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 10:42:45 -0500
> From: "Bruce Plecan" <nacelp at>
> Subject: scope
> Time available.  Might get familiar with some of the ign pics here, and I'll
> try to write more about them soon.  Finally something you can see, some
> combustion chamber problems with.
> Any one have a pic of the SAAB Ion detection paper with the pic showing the
> trace with detonation in it?.  Er, ok, any pic with the trace showing
> detonation.
> >
> Bruce
>   Again thanks to Shannen for the find
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the quotes)
> in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 11:12:26 EST
> From: Moofaloof at
> Subject: Re: WB O2 Rental.
> > So where isn't this being followed?  At least as far as I go with things?.
> > The stuff is freely available.
> > You have to read to get technical knowledge, and read to get to DIY EGOR.
> > For the moment, the only *effort* is to track it down.
> > Its out there and free
> > and that is just asking folks basically to read the owners manual?.   That's
> > all I'm doing.  Guys are taking cracks at me, for just forcing them to learn
> > a little.
> As I mentioned, I've read the archives ad infinitum.  I give.  Where ?  CSH
> HQ (whatever that is ?),  Search the web for Grumpy and Doc ?  I understand
> your desire for others to not make money off your back, and forgive my
> apparent ignorance, but why so cryptic ?
> > Hopefully though you have some correct concepts about WBs, and their uses,
> > shortcomings etc., now.
> Yes, absolutely.  The archives are a wealth of information about the O2
> sensors.  No doubt.   But precious little in the way of specs on how to
> actually make them work.
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the quotes)
> in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 14:41:57 -0500 (EST)
> From: automoton at
> Subject: Do I need an Air Flow Meter?
> Hi all,
>   I'm in the process of putting an engine in my car, an '87 MR-2.  I've looked at the AFM, a flapper door type,
>   and decided that it is very restrictive.  I'm contemplating building a circuit that looks like an AFM to the
>   computer.  I will link this circuit to the throttle linkage.  I know that the computer needs this information, but
>   isn't it using it to measure how much load is on the engine, ie. More load = more vacuume = more open AFM
>   door?  Instead of the computer determining load, the driver will determine it by how much he presses the
>   petal.  Think of it as a variable substitution into the fuel equation.
>   If that wont work, how about this.  Then I get a MAP sensor and make an op-amp circuit which maps the
>   outputs appropriately.  A MAP is a lot less restrictive than an AFM.
>   Since the car isn't running yet, I've had a lot of time  (too much?) to think about things like this.  I've also had
>   the oportunity to learn about just about ever major system in it.  The car is a project car, so when it is running,
>   I can do whatever modifications I care to do.  That is, it's not my daily driver.
>   Look forward to your comments.
>   Mike Diehl
> Mike Diehl
> 87NA 7afe, dual exhaust & custom headers
> - ---------------------------------------------------
> Get free personalized email at
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 15:30:06 -0500
> From: Chris Conlon <synchris at>
> Subject: Re: scope
> At 10:42 AM 11/11/00 -0500, Bruce Plecan wrote:
> >Any one have a pic of the SAAB Ion detection paper with the pic showing the
> >trace with detonation in it?.  Er, ok, any pic with the trace showing
> >detonation.
> Not Saab, but a similar idea. See these urls:
> Make sure to click on the pictures. It makes them a little bigger,
> though they're still hard to read.
>    Chris C.
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the quotes)
> in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at
> ------------------------------
> Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 08:23:32 +1100
> From: Peter Gargano <peter at>
> Subject: Re: scope
> Chris Conlon wrote:
> >
> > Not Saab, but a similar idea. See these urls:
> Chris, Here's ion stuff that's on the web - from Lars Eriksson.
> Neither this, nor the stuff at adrenalineresearch, has much to do with
> "normal" ignition - either dizzy, or DIS, but it does relate to SAAB,
> and ion current.
> I'd be interested to read what others have discovered that's freely
> available on the web as research rather than advertising.
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 09:08:07 +0800 (WST)
> From: Bernd Felsche <bernie at>
> Subject: Re: Ignition only  (bwa-ha-haaaaa...!)
> Dave Williams tapped away at the keyboard with:
> > -> I'm thinking the SAE probably has reams of stuff about spark systems
> > -> - with pictures? Anyone see any nice references they'd like to share?
> >; the dollars of the American taxpayer doing
> > something useful, for a change.  Also lots of stuff on combustion, fuel
> > injection, and so forth.  And for those with a letch for the exotic,
> > lots of declassified Cold War goodies; anyone up for boron-magnesium
> > slurry fuels?  How about half a dozen papers on how to make your own
> > mass air meters, or measurement of combustion pressure?  How about
> > algorithms for a MAP system with AFR trimmed by exhaust back pressure?
> > Dozens - literally - of papers on supercharger design and construction.
> > Fuel chemistry.  And, yes, ignition...
> >
> >  That site was like a peek at the Promised Land; the top of my modem
> > took on a definite concave curve, and I filled half of a 10Gb drive.  I
> > wanted to make sure I got everything useful before some bureaucrat
> > decided it was a waste of money and pulled the plug.
> [snip]
> You're a very wicked man!  :-)
> Let's see 5GB @ 33kbps? Only 420 hours... better not.
> It also exceeds my quota of 250MB/month by a "small" margin.
> You're obviously well-connected.
> - --
>  /"\  Bernd Felsche - Innovative Reckoning, Perth, Western Australia
>  \ /      ASCII ribbon campaign | I'm a .signature virus!       |
>   X       against HTML mail     | Copy me into your ~/.signature|
>  / \      and postings          | to help me spread!            |
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the quotes)
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 14:49:55 -0500
> From: "Bruce Plecan" <nacelp at>
> Subject: Re: Do I need an Air Flow Meter?
> one map sensor for barometric presure
> one for engine vac
> intake air temp
> Should be enough for a substitute AFM
> Or use a late GM MAF and just do a freg., to what ever output your AFM uses
> Bruce
> > Hi all,
> >
> >   I'm in the process of putting an engine in my car, an '87 MR-2.  I've
> looked at the AFM, a flapper door type,
> >   and decided that it is very restrictive.  I'm contemplating building a
> circuit that looks like an AFM to the
> >   computer.  I will link this circuit to the throttle linkage.  I know
> that the computer needs this information, but
> >   isn't it using it to measure how much load is on the engine, ie. More
> load = more vacuume = more open AFM
> >   door?  Instead of the computer determining load, the driver will
> determine it by how much he presses the
> >   petal.  Think of it as a variable substitution into the fuel equation.
> >
> >   If that wont work, how about this.  Then I get a MAP sensor and make an
> op-amp circuit which maps the
> >   outputs appropriately.  A MAP is a lot less restrictive than an AFM.
> >
> >   Since the car isn't running yet, I've had a lot of time  (too much?) to
> think about things like this.  I've also had
> >   the oportunity to learn about just about ever major system in it.  The
> car is a project car, so when it is running,
> >   I can do whatever modifications I care to do.  That is, it's not my
> daily driver.
> >
> >   Look forward to your comments.
> >
> >   Mike Diehl
> >
> > Mike Diehl
> > 87NA 7afe, dual exhaust & custom headers
> > ---------------------------------------------------
> > Get free personalized email at
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> - --
> > To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the
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> > in the body of a message (not the subject) to majordomo at
> >
> >
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> To unsubscribe from diy_efi, send "unsubscribe diy_efi" (without the quotes)
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 17:43:01 -0500
> From: "Bruce Plecan" <nacelp at>
> Subject: Re: scope
> From: "Peter Gargano" <peter at>
> Subject: Re: scope
> > Chris Conlon wrote:
> > > Not Saab, but a similar idea. See these urls:
> > Chris, Here's ion stuff that's on the web - from Lars Eriksson.
> >
> > Neither this, nor the stuff at adrenalineresearch, has much to do with
> > "normal" ignition - either dizzy, or DIS, but it does relate to SAAB,
> > and ion current.
> ??????????????????????????
> Never mind
> Bruce
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> ------------------------------
> Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 22:12:01 -0800
> From: Robert Harris <bob at>
> Subject: EGOR
> Lets say you are a bullet maker specializing in exotic loads.  You get paid a
> visit by some Transylvanian Villagers in need of silver bullets to slay some
> blood sucker and his evil assistants.  You zip out to your hidden silver mine
> in the desert, scoop up the good stuff and take it back to the shop.  Mission
> accomplished.
> How does this relate to a wide range EGO?   When you went back to your mine,
> you didn't care EXACTLY where it was, nor were you concerned about PRECIOSLY
> where you dug up the silver.  The only thing you cared about was getting back
> to the silver field.
> The same thing applies to using a wide range EGO for engine control.
> There are only three ratios of interest:
> Lean Best Power - the mixture where the maximum power is obtained per unit
> mass of fuel.
> Rich Best Power - the mixture where the maximum power is obtained per unit
> mass of air.
> Stoic.  The point where all available oxygen is combined with all available
> fuel at the time and point measured.
> The first two are important for maximum power and economy - the last simply to
> satisfy the catalytic converter and the rectally inserted cranium clean air
> bureaucrats.  But, it does lay about halfway between the two best power
> points.
> Stoic is determined primarily by the fuel and little else.  The others vary
> considerably from engine to engine, altitude, temperature etc.  Both are
> determined empirically from actually tuning the engine and optimizing the
> results.  In other words - they are not magic numbers.
> If you record the ego output at these two points, you have a nice means of
> getting back to these points.  The actual numbers are meaningless - as long as
> they are repeatable and of usable scale.
> Precision is a fruitless anal exercise in futility.  At either point you can
> vary the mixture a few percent and the difference will be lost in statistical
> noise.
> There are a number of wide range EGO systems or projects in existence.  Most
> calibrate the EGO to a known output curve.  Free air calibration, trim
> resisters, or a special patch to the ECU seem to be in the lead.  All of them
> assume an anal need to be exact.
> But suppose for a moment, that you reverted to the good pre-computer
> engineering practice of good enough is good enough - get on to something else
> that matters?  It is reasonable to assume that the published output curves are
> close to reality, and that if one were to peg some part of the curve to a
> known standard, and correct the output accordingly, the rest of the curve
> would be good enough for engine control and replacement of sensors with
> similar sensors as they deteriorated.
> And that can be accomplished easily with little defecation complication by
> simply used a standard EGO as a reference.  The standard EGO is highly
> accurate, repeatable and reliable at detecting Stoic crossing.  Simply by
> recording the wide range EGO actual output at each crossing, and then applying
> a correction to the output to bring it to the standard curve, you can
> effectively continuously calibrate the wide range EGO to well within the good
> enough limits.  And it should be tolerant of reasonable sensor aging and
> replacement.  Not much is needed.  A second standard EGO sensing the same
> exhaust stream as the wide range EGO, some minute computing power and a
> handful of silicon should do it.
> Good enough self calibration for engine control and getting back to the best
> power points after they are determined by other much more accurate means.
> Thimk about it.
> - ----- End of forwarded message from Robert Harris -----
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