Kits for WBO2

Flanagan, Steve Steve.Flanagan at
Wed Aug 15 12:50:14 GMT 2001

Would there be any big savings by organizing a group buy for the 02 Sensors.

I assume there could be a nice savings when ordered in quantity.

The guys on the other side of the world are ordering them in quantity and
like they are getting them for $70 US.

Does anyone have any price info on what the sensor could be bought for in

Steve F

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Ciciora [mailto:ciciora at]
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 2:28 PM
To: gmecm at
Cc: diy_efi at
Subject: Kits for WBO2

I'll put together several kits.  I won't even ask for any pre-payment,
'cause there is a good chance I have a significant fraction of the parts
on hand.  I won't commit to how many until I get a PCB in my hand.  For
example, I have 3,000 0.1uF caps, but with 0.1" lead spacing.  If the PCB
has 0.1" lead spacing, I can provide these caps really cheap.  Otherwise,
if the leadspacing is 0.2", there is a good chance we would be better off
just buying them.  

I would like to know how many PCBs were made.  I would feel confortable
making at least 1/2 that many parts kits available without pre-payment.

- Steve

On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, rr wrote:

> Folks, it would be a good thing if someone were to put
> a parts kit together. This would help out a lot of folks.
> However, this needs to be done by someone who doesn't
> have dollar signs in their eyes. Notice the PCB price is
> not a nice round number. The reason is that is what the
> boards cost, period. We could have easily charged many
> times what was actually paid for the boards.
> The return for helping out is multi-faceted. There is also
> the recognition amongst your peers. You become part of the
> DIY-WB team. This is not a money making venture. It is a
> hobby.
> Thank you,
> BobR.
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