Which WB O2 sensor is OK?

Brian L Massey blocklm at juno.com
Tue Dec 11 01:13:20 GMT 2001

On Mon, 10 Dec 2001 16:27:22 -0800 "efi_student"
<efi.student at sbcglobal.net> writes:

> I have offered certain people an ...
> assembled, tested unit sans sensor for ***cost of components***. ...
> The agreement I have made with them is that they MUST abide
> by the user's agreement, AND report their
> results back to me for sharing with this list.  After all the noise, 
> I think I understand both the letter and intent of the user's 
> agreement.
> Do the designers agree that this type of distribution is within the
> bounds of the agreement?
> Lance

I can't speak for the diyWB team of course, but I'm personally very
gratified to see your exceptional post, Lance. The spirit you exhibit
above is I think just the kind of person the diyWB team was hoping to
share their results with. Way to go. Recommend adding Lance to the roster
of those that "get it". Just be sure you don't waste your generosity of
spirit building them for people who well *could*, but are just too lazy
to assemble it themselves. (But sounds like you've already been selective
that way). Again, nice going. A few more like yourself and I might be
tempted to reinstate my faith in and respect for mankind. :)

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