Introduction and "DIY turbo" list?
Shirley, Mark R
MarkRShirley at
Wed Dec 19 00:36:43 GMT 2001
Boy, I would be REALLY interested in that list if you hear anything!!!!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Obie Fayth [mailto:bibendum59 at]
> Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 1:15 PM
> To: diy_efi at
> Subject: Introduction and "DIY turbo" list?
> Hi Everyone,
> I just signed up to the list a few days ago and wanted
> to introduce myself.
> I don't know much about electronics, but I am a computer
> programmer by trade
> and am eager to learn more about hardware. I can see there
> are some very
> knowledgable people on the list and I look forward to
> learning more about
> building an efi system for my car. I came across the list by
> way of the
> MegaSquirt site -- anyone on the list using that?
> One off topic question: A couple of days after signing
> up for this list I
> got an email asking if I wanted to sign up for a DIY
> turbocharging list. I
> responded, but never got a confirmation and haven't heard
> anything since. I
> accidentally deleted the original email, but was wondering if
> anyone out
> there might know the list I am talking about or could recommend an
> alternative list for someone interested in learning more
> about turbocharging
> a vehicle (turbo selection, exh. manifold construction, etc.).
> thanks,
> -Obie
> Tacoma, Wa.
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