WB Instruments
John Dammeyer
johnd at autoartisans.com
Fri Jul 13 14:40:46 GMT 2001
Would you publish a complete URL to the file as it looks really
interesting. Can't seem to find it in www.diy-efi.org
John Dammeyer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-diy_efi at diy-efi.org
> [mailto:owner-diy_efi at diy-efi.org] On Behalf Of rr
> Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 6:28 AM
> To: diy_efi at diy-efi.org
> Subject: Re: WB Instruments
> I placed an Excel data file into incoming. It
> includes columns of interest for WB O2 observation.
> Open the data0.xls file in Excel and graph it. Use
> the line graph w/o markers function. Then stretch
> the graph out to the right for better resolution.
> Columns:
> EngRun: runtime in hh:mm:ss (will be horizontal scale)
> Rpm: engine rpm / 10; 167.5 = 1675 rpm
> Map: manifold pressure in KPa
> O2: ecm narrowband O2 sensor in mV / 10; 51.3 = 513mV
> AFR: true AFR as reported by WB O2 sensor
> STO: stoich reference line for AFR reading
> The 2 minutes of data is entering a limited access highway
> and leveling into a steady state cruise. This is from a
> TBI equiped medium-po engine.
> BobR.
> p.s. the data0.xls file is dated 7/13/00, don't know why.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------
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