WB Instruments

Brian L Massey blocklm at juno.com
Fri Jul 13 23:47:37 GMT 2001

On Fri, 13 Jul 2001 17:21:58 -0400 rr <RRauscher at nni.com> writes:
> Shift point. If I remember correctly this was a roll out to WOT in 
> 2nd gear. I quickly shifted into third and hit it again for a moment.
Then it 
> was right to 5th.

OK, that explains the puzzle, especially the short throttle off in 3rd,
after which you punch if for a little longer time, and then go into 5th
after throttle back in 3rd and the shift into 5th, taking about 2 more
secs. Now that part makes sense. Looked pretty strange at first.

But I'm still puzzled it seems to take a long time before the fuel cut
kicks in after the shift from 2nd to 3rd. I'm referring to the events at
25:19. It looks like you throttled back after the shift, given the plunge
in MAP, but the FCO doesn't look like it begins until just before you
punched it again. Hence the lean glitch in the NB at 25:20-. What am I
missing there? Can't be some sort of fixed delay to FCO, since it seems
to go more quickly to cutoff when you shifted into 5th at 25:22. Please
excuse the 20-questions, tasty bits of data you have there.

Actually I'm surprised at how little rpm was lost in the 1st-2nd shift.
Looks from the numbers like you dropped around 100rpm in that shift.

Are you using 8bit for everything, so the rpms are scaled by what X? If
you are using 10240 rpm = 256, that would make your resolution 40rpm/bit,
or 8096 rpm = 256, then resolution would be 16rpm/bit, wouldn't it?, but
it looks like its in steps of 25rpm in your data. How did that happen?
During post processing? Just curious.


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