O2 sensor data sheet

Eric Fahlgren efahl at adams.com
Tue Jul 24 10:44:26 GMT 2001

Dan Zorde wrote:
> Hi all,
> Don't know if this is new or old news anymore.  But I came across a 2
> page data sheet for a Lambda oxygen sensor p/n 0-258-104-002 (2500mm
> lead) or 0-258-104-004 (650mm lead).  I presume this is the LSM-11
> sensor ???  Anyway, it gives you all details such as max load current,
> internal resistances, curves, response times, etc.
> If anyone wants a copy of it let me know.


Yes, I'd like to see a scan.  That first part number is the one I
have in my data bank for the LSM-11.

Eric Fahlgren                            Mechanical Dynamics, Inc
efahl at adams.com                          Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
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