What went wrong with the Aussie WB Buy?

Brian L Massey blocklm at juno.com
Tue Sep 4 17:05:41 GMT 2001

On Tue, 04 Sep 2001 11:45:08 -0400 Scot Sealander
<Sealand at clarityconnect.com> writes:
> Or, How greed screwed things up.....

>Definitely not the spirit that originally got
> the job done.  Then to add insult to injury, we had several call 
> the
> originator mean spirited for calling him on it, with the tone in 
> the
> message of "I WANT MINE!".  Well, you got it

Deja vu all over again. Don't you guys read the archives?? You know the
saying, if you can't learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it.

One good thing. By raising the issue to a ripe stink, it is more likely
that word will get out, "if you don't want to be involved in the project
as purely charitable, then butt out". No way to guarantee that, but I
personally think it's still worth the effort to get the idea across. Very
nice idea. Even better than gnu.

Reminds me of that joke, where someone has to ask, "What about NO don't
you understand?". Maybe some people really just don't get the "no" part.
Is that possible? Even dogs and little children understand "no". :)

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