A little WB history

Bruce nacelp at bright.net
Sun Sep 30 19:18:41 GMT 2001

For the new guys, and those that seem to have forgotten some facts about the
WB, Profits, and *list work*, here's a brief summary.

The WB goes back to Hotrods @ Dixie.com, and the first weeks of the DIY
list.   People had mentioned bit and pieces of how to do it several times,
and the postings were just getting to be repeats of past info..   3 or so
years ago, I proposed we (the list) get organized and build a DIY WB.
Lined up some guys to design it, PCB layout, researchers, etc.  While mostly
on list there was a ton of off list mail.   Gar desided to coin the phrase
EGOR, to make the work easy to find in the archives (later the story was
changed, and he wants to keep the term as intell product or some such
thing).   About that time work was also advancing on another project IGOR,
again a phrase coined by Gar.   After a bunch of community time was invested
in it, one of the members said, well, if I want to build and sell a few
kits, I will, and no one will stop me.  Well, after he refused to
reconsider, Gar., said fine, I'll take the info I have, and develope my own
commercial product.  Then there was a flame war about IGOR, and Gar left
semi permanently.   Rather then go thru the list nonsense again, I rounded
up a few guys and we continued the WB project off list.   We got to where we
had what seemed to be enough info., and we just needed EEs to try to get a
few sensors to actually work.   I bought a few sensors, and gave them out
for the EEs to play with.   All but Chad, dropped out.  He continued for
over a year to work on finding out exactly what made it work.  Over a Year.
Others of us really had done what we could, and basically just gave what
support we could to him.  All the while, we just considered that we were
just furfilling our commitments of of just doing what we said we would do.
Just being true to our word.   There were 2 goals, one to make it as easy as
possible for the average guy to assemble, it was to be free, and by free no
one was to capitialize on the work of others.   A little over a year ago, we
released the first WB diagrams, with about the same users agreement.   There
were only a few made, since no one would step forward and do the PCB layout.
So it just sat there.   Then at one of the POWWOWs Bob, saw it, and followed
up on developing it, he spend oddles of time refining Chads work, and this
time got is much simplier, and a PCB was made.   Bob, had seen the original
Users Agreement, and after weighting things, developed and shared what he
found.   If it was not for the non profit end of the WB, we still wouldn't
have one, It's Just That Simple.

Gar got real mad at me, and threatened litigation, over the WB.  He thought
in some sense that I had to confer with him, about the on going WB efforts,
and was real upset when I released the first WB info..  Then someone
innocently enough mentioned EGOR and Gar wrote me to again threaten me (and
the list).  Rather then play any of his games, I started calling the project
DIY WB, and asked others to do the same.

On a similiar note, a new guy shows up (at about the same time) saying he
wants to write an editor for his PCM.  Hangs around until he has a Beta
Version tested, and then walks away to cash in on what he found from the
list and from off list information.  One of his biggest contributors, also,
said the heck with the list, if that's the type folks hang out here.

It's the User's Agreement, that allowed the WB to get developed.  It's just
necessary so that guys don't feel taken advantage of when they pour YEARS of
work into a project.

You don't like the Agreement, fine, be a man and just walk away from the WB.
Don't whine about it when it is what allowed the project to be developed.

If you want a WB and don't want to follow the Users Agreement, design you
own,  if your not an EE, get a price from one for the R+D and see what a
gift this one is.

Two other minor items.  At one point my meds., did make me grumpy, and I
used that as a nickname, just to let folks know that I wasn't feeling good.
While easy to take the attitude that I have an attitude, I'm sorry to
disappoint you but I have little ego, and just happen to be a man of few
words, generally.   Life well be way to brief for me and I haven't time to
be mad at anyone.   If you look close in my writtings I generally leave the
reader in better shape after the conversation then before.  If I have to
rattle a cage to get someone to rethink something then I will, do I do it to
be mean?, never.   The favorite mis quote is a comment I made that if a guy
was interested in EFI then he really should learn how to solder.   Some call
that belittling, well to me it was motivating, and as a matter of fact the
individual concerned said he would give it a try.   I even offered to
replace the PCB if he did mess it up, but he coped a little attitude saving
he wasn't out looking for charity.   So I was damned by both, but the guy
might learn some soldering skills, and if he does, or tries, he still
learned something, which is what my primary goal is with the WB.   I will
call a liar if you're a liar, and if you want to break you word, or
agreeements, well, again, I'll call you on it.   Underminding the years of
work in the WB I resent.

I hope, this explains things,

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