[Diy_efi] RE: [Diy-efi] Traction Control System - In progress (Update 1)

Bruce nacelp at bright.net
Tue Apr 23 03:33:06 GMT 2002

OK, cut the spark, and reinstate it, like in traction control, with the NO2
on and get back to me.
IF you were going to cut the fuel, I'd just assume anyone would be cutting
the NO2 with it, geesh.
Doc's saying maybe we also need to qualify this thread to being in a forward
gear also?. <g>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rodney Fulk" <rfulk at mindspring.com>
Subject: RE: [Diy_efi] RE: [Diy-efi] Traction Control System - In progress
(Update 1)
> Just NEVER do this in a NO2 car.
> You are correct, GM used fuel cut offs for most of the over speed limit or
> over rev limits.  I was thinking of NO2 systems. I am sorry. ;)
> With No2 you stand a very strong chance of blowing the engine cutting the
> fuel.  Alot of the aftermarket ignitions allow you to use an ignition cut
for over
> reving.  Much more compatible with NO2 systems.

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