[Diy_efi] CIS EFI via Fuel Pump PWM

Bernd Felsche bernie at innovative.iinet.net.au
Mon Aug 5 00:54:50 GMT 2002

ARKK tapped away at the keyboard with:

> I asked this a week or two ago. I'm still hoping someone will ut in
> their two cents about the viability.

> The idea was that CIS injectors could adequately be controlled via
> fuel pump modulation for pressure control.

Unlikely to be successful unless the pump is quite close to the
injector. System delays will be the source of control problems;
it'll take a while for the pressure to build up over a couple of
metres of fuel line.

What will you do to _reduce_ the pressure when load reduces?

/"\ Bernd Felsche - Innovative Reckoning, Perth, Western Australia
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