[Diy_efi] The ICE Wars (was sequential injection timing)
Steve N.
sgn1 at ra.msstate.edu
Mon Aug 5 06:54:08 GMT 2002
Greg and Dave,
May I be so bold as to ask your superior opinion on Turns, Strehlow, and
As far as you criticisms of Heywood go, that is fine with me as that is
your opinion. Nevertheless, I find them hard for me to take. While it
may not the the text of choice for Mr. Herman's beloved Cornell, it is
one of the, if not *the*, most widely used ICE book on college campuses
around the world today.
> Heywood, Heisler, and most of the others just recycle the same old
> stuff these guys had down pat in the 1940s, except for Glassman.
Really? Most of the references I saw in the back were, at the time,
recent SAE papers.
> Ricardo, "The High Speed Internal Combustion Engine"
While I too would love to get my hands on my own copy of this, I wonder
how wise it would be to spend the $400 required, seeing at the time,
high speed was 3000 rpms, high octane was 70 MON, and C/Rs were 6:1.
Doesn't sound like the engine in any of my cars. While I'm sure all of
his pioneering work is quite a good read, how much is transferable
today? Feel free to enlighten me if I am off base here.
However, please don't take this the wrong way. I am not saying that
Heywood's book is the end all be all. Far from it. As engineers we are
taught that the best knowledge comes from reading as many sources as
possible. In fact, if one were to take Mr. Herman's and Mr. William's
suggestions to the extreme, one would have to camp out at the local
university library and read all the SAE transactions from day one. It
should only take you around 25 years of non stop reading to do so.
Obviously we can't do this, so we do the next best thing, We read
summary books from those that have done the above. I'm sure Heywood,
along with Glassman, Orbet, etc.. have spent more time reading ICE
information than any of us on this list. And until we reach the point
were we have researched more than them, whether it be from blowing up
engines, or from reading papers about other people blowing up engines, I
find it hard to harshly criticize any of them.
Steve N.
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