[Diy_efi] Re: Fixed frequency PWM batch mode FI

Marcell Gal cell at x-dsl.hu
Mon Aug 26 14:41:18 GMT 2002

Hi Steve, 

> I'm not sure it's any easier.  The calculations are really the same,

Well, this is true. 

> coming up with a PWM percentage between 0 and 100%, only with async
> fueling there aren't any timing events to worry about.

Why don't you make your circuit, so that output can be synchronized
or free-running, and compare your results (on the very same engine)? 

I can send you some PIC 16C84 smd uC-s to control timing
using your main uC's calculations and some sync signal,
using a jumper to select between free running and synced. 

I personally think you'll be glad you have the sync capability. 


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