[Diy_efi] Logging Data of DIY-WB parallel to LA3

Schaffer Klaus Maria schaffer at vkmb.tu-graz.ac.at
Fri Aug 30 19:05:15 GMT 2002


As promised, link to files with the logging data of the DIY-WB and ETAS
LA3 (Bosch) used last weekend at a rallycross-race.
The engine is a 4-zyl. 2.0lt VW with ~240HP.


The trends shows very good results for the DIY-WB, it seems that the
DIY-WB has a better response than the LA3.

Generally it shows the problem of manifold injection: at acceleration,
fuel drops out at the manifold wall and at deceleration fuel is ablating
from manifold and rich mass comes into cylinder. Over all the engine
runs a little bit to rich. (We programmed the ECU at lower ambient
temperatures to a Lambda of ~0.87-0.89 in spring so we have to change
the air temp compensation.)

The peaks to lean mixture may be coming from an ignition cut at gear
changing with WOT. I thought only the ignition will be cut but maybe
also the injection ?

				--- so long ---, klaus.

PS: the files will be removed at wednesday evening!

PS2: trimming of voltage means: the ECU has an internal amplifier for
the LA analog input. So we had to trim down the output voltage of DIY_WB
with an accurate trim poti. We were doing this at idle with engine
running at lambda=3D0.85.=20

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