Welcome to the list
joe daddy
joedaddyshagg at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 2 21:12:40 GMT 2002
I'm waiting for something cool to come out before i
make the jump :P Right now the stock ford stuff will
be a lot easier (and better, IMHO) than megasquirt.
Now if they make an ignition like the MSD BTM thats a
lot cheaper, then i will start throwing money at it :P
Another thing, my car will be a daily driver, so I
don't want to screw with it a lot and put it out of
commission for periods of time... I need a junker of
some sort to tinker with, and then when it's working
perfectly i can throw it on the stang and have some
fun :P
oh yah, and thanks for the welcome :)
--- abnengineering at cs.com wrote:
> Hey Jud,
> I just read your intro...I'm abn on the VMF Forum. I
> have one Megasquirt on the way with the 2 bar
> sensor. I hope it doesn't become "another project
> on the shelf". I look forward to getting involved in
> building it. I'm sure we'll talk more as activity
> picks up in January!
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