DIY-WB parts kit (veering off topic)

Gary Schaumberg arnie at
Sun Jan 27 02:03:52 GMT 2002

Arnie comes back with:

Bruce, simple math.  How many bought and received kits thus far?  You
don't believe of that number, we, as a group would not be willing to
purchase just (1) more, just for Steve?  Surely the 'select few' haven't 
pulled you down that far.  I believe there IS hope for us little people.

Bruce wrote:
You wouldn't think almost 10% of those that buy PCBs for the kit would
flake out either, but they do.  Assuming anything, can be a problem.   
As vast as the net is, makes it full of pitfalls.  BTDT
Bruce, ain't no way
Steve will get stuck with extra kits.  :)
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