[Diy_efi] MegaWideband digital WBO2

Bernd Felsche bernie at innovative.iinet.net.au
Thu Jul 11 00:56:11 GMT 2002

Perry Harrington tapped away at the keyboard with:

> What do you mean?  I haven't seen any problems with accessing it from
> anywhere?

While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:

Connection Failed

The system returned:

    (110) Connection timed out

It's been like that ever since the URL was posted.

Also	ping www.dainst.com	 doesn't return a single packet.

>>> The MWBO2 is a digitally controlled WBo2 interface.  The schematic is
>>> rather rough, but the design theory is explained along with it.  You
>>> can check it out at http://www.dainst.com/info/circuits/megawideband/

/"\ Bernd Felsche - Innovative Reckoning, Perth, Western Australia
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