DIY-WB PC Boards and Site Update
Bob Valentine
bob at
Tue Mar 5 08:27:55 GMT 2002
It's been a while, but here's the current status: (and .com if you prefer) are LIVE. Some info has
been added and cleaned up compared to what's on There are
links to the board order page, SteveC's parts kit page, and Greg Parmer's
*excellent* "Dummy's Guide to Building the DIY-WB" page.
About the PC Boards - we're switching from batch-order mode to realtime
distribution; you send $, we send boards, no waiting! We've had a bunch
more boards made, and *EVERYONE* who filled out the 'leftovers' page is
being contacted with price and shipping info. Hopefully the backlog of
orders will be cleared out in the next few weeks. There is no need to
'refill' the page, I know you're there.
- Bob Valentine
- wideband at <-- for DIY-WB board questions/info
- bob at <-- everything else
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