[Diy_efi] injector unions

Todd Kirkwood tkirkwood at dune-buggy.com
Tue May 14 13:21:26 GMT 2002

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At 10:10 AM 5/13/2002, you wrote:

>I'm new to all this, but I've got a v6 manifold project and I'm going to
>need to build a  new fuel rail. Does anyone know if its possible to get hold
>of connectors for the fuel-in on the standard Bosch rubber o-ring equipped

Go to www.msdignition.com
Get their catalog.
Or search for Fuel Delivery Top Mount.

They have a straight fitting #2135, a 90 degree fitting #2140, and one that 
slips over a 1/2 tube #2115
This site shows them and I think Summitt Racing sells them also.

I remember the above ones being pretty expensive, maybe there is a cheaper 



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