[Diy_efi] need help w/archives
ptegler at cablespeed.com
Tue May 21 04:40:30 GMT 2002
I have a 'programming tool' I wrote in VB
way back when that with minor mods might
do what you need
The current program is used to read the
directory tree that is your 'Favorites' directory tree
under Windows. It opens each 'Favorite' (file), extracts
the URL info, and writes out the HTML code that
generates my LINKS pages on one of my websites.
The latest gen. even writes out a separate index file
(the 'sub-groups/sub-directories under your selected
Favorites directory)
You can see the older style 'output' format at
all my MG and Triumph links pages (Favorites links
and sub-categories of links) are written automatically by
this program. It opens each favorite, and outputs the html.
With some minor mods...it could separate the files, open
them, write out the pages automatically. I'm in process
of converting this to CGI or java, to run from a webpage.
see if it fits the bill.
Paul Tegler
ptegler at cablespeed.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "steve ravet" <sravet at arm.com>
To: "diy_efi" <diy_efi at diy-efi.org>
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 11:40 PM
Subject: [Diy_efi] need help w/archives
> I need a volunteer who can write a script to take a directory listing
> from a file formatted like this:
> 1996-January.txt
> 1996-February.txt
> 1996-March.txt
> etc.
> And generate some html output like this:
> <tr>
> <td>1996-January:</td>
> <td>
> <A href="1996-January/thread.html">[ Thread ]</a>
> <A href="1996-January/subject.html">[ Subject ]</a>
> <A href="1996-January/author.html">[ Author ]</a>
> <A href="1996-January/date.html">[ Date ]</a>
> </td>
> <td><A href="1996-January.txt">[ Text 102 KB ]</a></td>
> </tr>
> One entry like the above for each filename. Part of it is finding out
> how big the file is and putting that as part of the text in the final
> link. Perl would be best. I need to do this for every month from May
> 1994 to the present, all 3 lists, hence the need for a script.
> Please respond directly.
> thanks,
> --steve
> --
> Steve Ravet
> steve.ravet at arm.com
> ARM,Inc.
> www.arm.com
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