[Diy_efi] Newbie with a simplified Motronic project

Adam Wade espresso_doppio at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 3 16:10:46 GMT 2002

--- Eric D Byrd <klox at juno.com> wrote:

> Every electrical component ever manufactured
> eventually -- eventually -- experiences changes in
> its operating characteristics due to age, especially
> if heat is involved, and more especially if extreme
> variation of temperature is involved.

True, except this isn't a sensor in the traditional
sense.  It's simply a resistive wire, and if that
changes its resistance vs. temperature profile, then
we'll have to rewrite physics!  :D

If there is a solid-state temperature sensor involved,
then there's definitely more of a reason to worry
about calibration changing, however.

> And you are right, physics does not go out of
> calibration.  The trouble is, the devices we build
> often don't account for physical effects that seem
> irrelevant, or that we don't know about.

Therein lies the learning curve.  ;)  Many of these
manufacturers (Bosch especially) have been doing this
for eons, just about, and they don't tend to get
surprised too often.  ;)

> It's a mistake to assume a device will never
> experience variations in its response, from
> physical effects we haven't accounted for.

Again, it would be a pretty spectacular upheaval of
the laws of physics if a stable metal changed its
resistive characteristics over time, AFAIK.  ;)

> It's worthwhile to educate, and be educated.  But I
> have better things to do with my time, than trade
> verbal abuse.

Definitely avoid doing so.  I do myself.

Certainly, if you perceived anything I said as "verbal
abuse", I regret any misunderstanding on your part.  :D

| Adam Wade                       1990 Kwak Zephyr 550 (Daphne) |
|   http://y42.photos.yahoo.com/bc/espresso_doppio/lst?.dir=/   |
| "It was like an emergency ward after a great catastrophe; it  |
|   didn't matter what race or class the victims belonged to.   |
|  They were all given the same miracle drug, which was coffee. |
|   The catastrophe in this case, of course, was that the sun   |
|     had come up again."                    -Kurt Vonnegut     |

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