[Diy_efi] Mitsubishi Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI)

joeld joeld at ualberta.ca
Mon Jul 21 19:23:15 GMT 2003

I brought this up awhile ago with not much interest. We were looking into 
adapting it to a 2-stroke snowmobile engine but have since deamed it 
unfeasable for our timeframe and budget. We have found another system to 
accomplish much of the same that can be ran with a normal programmable efi 

Joel Day
3rd Yr. B.Sc. Min Eng
C.S.C 2003 Project Coordinator
Home: 780-434-9294 Work:780-743-6915 Cell: 780-722-5376
C.S.C Team Website: www.ualberta.ca/~uacsc

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