[Diy_efi] Re: What type masked ROMS on early motronic ecu's

Jeffrey Engel jengeltx at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 14 03:01:27 GMT 2003

The 1802?  

That's the first time I've heard of it being used.  If
we're talking about the same part, it was first made
by RCA back in the 70's.  One of the first CMOS parts
and has quite different '0' and '1' thresholds.  Try
driving it with HC family logic, TTL won't work.

--- Mike  Rosendale <inexpensivepartsman at roadfly.org>
> These roms are from early BMW with cdp1802
> processor.  The installed roms are 
> not eproms but masked roms with chip select pinouts
> and will not read as an 
> eprom would.  Excluding the chip select pins, the
> remainder are the same as a 
> 2716.  I made a circuit to switch combinations of 5v
> and ground to the chip 
> select pins thinking that might make them readable. 
> But no luck.  So how does 
> one read a cdp1834 masked rom on a standard eprom
> reader?
> regards,
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