[Diy_efi] new EFI controller

Perry Harrington pedward at apsoft.com
Tue Mar 11 07:31:39 GMT 2003

> I considered linux too. That was my first choice. I chose ecos, beacuse it 
> is much more scalable and has real real-time abilities.
> Linux also wants a mmu that the mpc555/565 lack.
> It would not scale down as well.
> And there where no port in progress or planned anywhere.
> The inquires I made all pointed either to ecos or rtems.

There is a realtime port of Linux called RT-Linux.  It is basically a microkernel
setup where Linux runs as a subprocess of the RT scheduler.

Linux also supports MMUless processors.  The reason why I felt it was viable
is because there is a port to the Dragonball processor, which does not have
an MMU.  If you can run Linux on a lowend Palm, you could run it on a Coldfire
or 565.  The 565 is derived from the same family as the processors that Kodak
uses for their cameras.  They are 66Mhz PPC derived units.  MAME runs on
these, so I'm sure Linux isn't a huge amount of work.

I'm considering ARM or MPC565 based products in the future, assuming that I
can get the company rolling, since I have a day job which consumes my time.

> ECOS comes with flash support, clock and support for both serial ports. It 
> was not to hard to port it to the phytec board, as it had already been put 
> onto a couple of other boards.

Yeah, Linux has a bazillion different drivers, they have a complete subtree
for MTD (Memory Technology Devices) and support all varieties of flash.


Perry Harrington			Data Acquisition & Instrumentation, Inc	
perry at dainst dot com					 http://www.dainst.com/

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