[Diy_efi] timeframe to get equal fuel distribution

joeld joeld at ualberta.ca
Sun Mar 16 03:39:34 GMT 2003

I have got some 670gram/min injectors that have a 60 degree cone pattern.
We are planning on using them to inject directly into the cylinder of a 
two-stroke. Obviously the placement on the cylinder wall will dictate how much 
time we have to inject fuel. What I was wondering from everyone is if they had 
any input as to how much time needs to be allowed for the fuel to adequately 
mix with the air. The higher we can mount the injector on the wall, the 
cleaner it will be, but we run out of time. We could easilly just add more 
injectors to make sure we get in enough fuel, but there has to be a point 
where the fuel will simply not have enough time to disperse?

any thoughts?


Joel Day
C.S.C 2003 Project Coordinator
ph: 434 9294
C.S.C Team Website: www.ualberta.ca/~uacsc

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