[Diy_efi] GPz1100 efi setup

Adam Wade espresso_doppio at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 17 08:09:49 GMT 2003

--- Sid.Young at qml.com.au wrote:

> I have a z1100B2 EFI system on my workbench at
> present, I was planning on fitting it to a z900 and
> build another one for a CB750. From what I can see,
> you only check the throttle position sensor using a
> multimeter... Its just a variable resistor.

I think he was looking for closed-throttle
calibration, which is set by the Kawasaki special tool
go/no-go indication.  Unfortunately, I think the only
people who would know the answer are either people
with the system and a correctly-calibrated sensor, and
a multimeter to get values with, or someone in Japan
who might be impossible to find.

My only other suggestion would be to contact people at
http://list.gpz1100.com/ and see if anyone where can help...

| Adam Wade                       1990 Kwak Zephyr 550 (Daphne) |
|   http://y42.photos.yahoo.com/bc/espresso_doppio/lst?.dir=/   |
| "It was like an emergency ward after a great catastrophe; it  |
|   didn't matter what race or class the victims belonged to.   |
|  They were all given the same miracle drug, which was coffee. |
|   The catastrophe in this case, of course, was that the sun   |
|     had come up again."                    -Kurt Vonnegut     |

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