[Diy_efi] TBI fuel pump

RogeranCarol rogerancarol at cox.net
Mon Dec 13 20:44:27 GMT 2004

I'm in the process of modifying my Jeep's in-tank fuel pump bracket to 
accommodate a Chevy TBI fuel pump.
I installed the TBI pump with the bottom at the same place/level  the 
Jeep's pump originally sat, and made a short extension to place the pump 
screen at the correct position. All looked cool, but when I tested the 
pump, it became obvious the bottom of the pump needed to be submerged in 
order for it to achieve prime. This means I must re-engineer the bracket 
to move the pump as low as possible.  Does anyone know if this is 
correct for the TBI pump? Also, the Chevy pump's input is off-set to one 
edge of the bottom, and there is a second, but smaller hole on the 
opposite edge. Anyone know what the function is of this second hole? 
Fuel flowed from this hole when I tested the pump.  The pump flowed 1 
pint of fuel in seven seconds. Does anyone know if the observed flow is 
Would appreciate any insight anyone has with regard to changing out fuel 
pumps to accommodate engine transplants.


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