[Diy_efi] L-jetronic Q

kenowski at uwm.edu kenowski at uwm.edu
Mon Mar 29 19:01:07 GMT 2004

All rite, team, here's the intro... I've just got a '83 BMW 528e with bosch 
flavored fuel injection.  I've messed with the GM style TBI (89 S10 w/ 2.5L) a 
little, but now The BMW has a lifelong home as long as I can keep her alive. 
There are little drivability issues that aren't as easily fixed as per the 
GM ... guess & check @ the boneyard until you find the computer outta the blue 
one makes it run the best (read : 'I really don't know whats going on here.'). 
If you or someone you know whanted to learn how the system operates (in-depth 
explaination... I've already got the hayne's manual style idea of what is 
supposed to happen), what would you reccomend?  Can I somehow adjust this 
system with my computer to do different things? (I imagine the O.E. setup must 
be a little conservative - 528e  e=economy flavour)  

Like I said, I'm looking for a reference (like maybe a book or something...) 
that may: answer my questions, unravel the mystery, and expose the illusion so 
delicately devised 20 years ago by the Germans. THanks,

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