[Diy_efi] check VSS

Steve Ravet Steve.Ravet at arm.com
Sun Oct 10 01:59:26 GMT 2004

> >   I have a pair of them from mid '80s S-10 pickups, and I'd like to=20
> > know if they work before crawling under the truck.
> I think those are the hall effect sensors.  Driven by a gear,=20
> right?  The hall effect sensor acts like a switch to ground=20
> as it spins, so you should be able to check it with your=20
> multimeter set on ohms.
> The other kind is a reluctor sensor which creates an A/C=20
> voltage.  This kind has the reluctor wheel on the output=20
> shaft and would be harder to check off the car.

Replying to my own reply...  Mike V set the precedent.

I shouldn't answer VSS questions, for some reason I can never keep the =
types straight in my head.  But I do know that up to '88 or so S-10s =
used a mechanical speedo with a cable.  The VSS sensor is an optical one =
on the back of the instrument panel.  So "mid '80s S-10", and "under the =
truck" don't go together.  Are you sure of what you have or need?

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