[Diy_efi] Magesquirt vs D- jetronic
Adam Wade
Thu Apr 21 19:39:00 UTC 2005
--- John Nevius <jnevius at spiritone.com> wrote:
> FWIW, Bosch L-Jet through the late 80's (Volvo, BMW,
> Saab) only had a very crude accomodation for
> throttle position sensing. They could read throttle
> closed (idle) and WOT only. IIRC Saab was the first
> to use a "real" throttle position sensor. They
> relied upon the AFM to trigger an increase in the
> fueling. Generally these cars are considered quite
> driveable :-)
Okay, I overstated a bit. :) I should say that it is
a lot harder to get adequate drivability without a TPS
and "accel pump" feature in the ECU (whether
implemented in analog or digital); a lot will depend
on where the throttle(s) and plenum are located in
relation to each other and the intake runners (i.e., a
throttle a long way away from the runners, with a
large plenum between the throttle and runners, will be
less sensitive to the lack of "accel pump"
functionality in a given setup; a plenum BEFORE the
throttle(s), and the throttle(s) being extremely close
to the intake valve(s), will be much more sensitive to
the lack of "accel pump" functionality).
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